Monday, September 25, 2006

Excuse my upsetting words, but I am REALLY MAD.
I feel that I have been very patient with Dr. P's office with all the S stuff going down, (I drove the 45 minutes to and from to have them tell me that they don't have two of the four immunizatoin shots he needs so come back on Monday.)
but this is crazy.
So I have to call them again this morning and they didn't have any thing there where I asked them to send me a fax of M's Immunization form, so I gave it to her again. And told her that I asked for last week and it didn't come and that I need it today because she starts school tomorrow. She was nice and I went to take a shower and came back and there is was. I was so excited, however it is the same OLD copy that I already have, but very blurry and can hardly make out Dr. P's signature. NOW I AM MAD. She had her appointment on the 18th of July and they don't have her records updated? Am I wierd to think that this should have been done months ago and that they haven't kept up with the information. And now I have to wait, because the lady said she has to go back and look it all up and it is going to take a while and that she call me back when she gets it. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? She made me feel as though is was my fault that she doesn't have her crap together and seemed to be upset that I have to make her do it. I AM MAD!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT HER SHOT RECORD!! IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR????
I also tried called the new DR. luck is that bad.......she is gone again till Wednesday. So her office is closed. I am just at my wits end with it all. So it looks like I will be driving the 45 minuted there and 45 minuted back to get the correct shot record and not a Crapy copy. Why wouldn't they update her records when she got her shots? That was over 2 months ago! Why does this kind of simple stuff seem so complicated and always gives me grief.
Wish me luck and say a prayer for me.