Monday, August 21, 2006

I saw my future flash through my eyes.

Normally my husband takes my oldest to school because he wants that bonding time with her, but today I had the take her and man what a nightmare that was. I didn't think it was going to be that hard....swing by the school and drop her off....RIGHT......simple. Boy was I a mess, but we made it with a couple minutes to spare.
So we get all three loaded and for another reason I won't go into the back seat is in the process of being fixed so my oldest has to sit in front. So we are driving to school, I look over at her and notice she didn't clean her mouth off after brushing her teeth. I hand her a napkin and she pulls down the visor with the mirror and begins to clean her mouth. Then she takes the chapstick and uses the mirror to put the chapstick on... She turns to me with a look that she was hot stuff and so sophisticateded. My daughter is only five!
All I saw was a future glimpse of her as a teenager sitting up front putting on her makeup as she heads out to school or a date or something. I don't think I will be ever ready for that.


At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWWW sweetie ... how cute. Believe me it's gonna happen before you realize it! How cute.
I love reading about your kids!
xx tooo stinkin' cute.


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