Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Out of the mouth of my 4 year old!
So we were in the living room and all I have managed to do is hang a picture of Jesus Christ on the only nail that was already in the wall. And I was reading to my daughter and she look up at the picture and asks if that is Jesus and I say yes and then she says, "I Sure love that Guy". I just giggled inside. She such the little humor in our house and is always saying funny stuff like that. She makes motherhood a big treat. I wish I could have a recording of all she says during the day it would be too funny. She makes my day!

Monday, August 21, 2006

I saw my future flash through my eyes.

Normally my husband takes my oldest to school because he wants that bonding time with her, but today I had the take her and man what a nightmare that was. I didn't think it was going to be that hard....swing by the school and drop her off....RIGHT......simple. Boy was I a mess, but we made it with a couple minutes to spare.
So we get all three loaded and for another reason I won't go into the back seat is in the process of being fixed so my oldest has to sit in front. So we are driving to school, I look over at her and notice she didn't clean her mouth off after brushing her teeth. I hand her a napkin and she pulls down the visor with the mirror and begins to clean her mouth. Then she takes the chapstick and uses the mirror to put the chapstick on... She turns to me with a look that she was hot stuff and so sophisticateded. My daughter is only five!
All I saw was a future glimpse of her as a teenager sitting up front putting on her makeup as she heads out to school or a date or something. I don't think I will be ever ready for that.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

First Day of Kindergarten!

So I was very excited about my little one starting school. I made sure she had a well balanced lunch to take with her. I even wrote a little message on a napkin saying, "I Love you and hope you have a GREAT day at school. Love, Mom". (She can already read and write simple words).
I was very nervous that entire day. I was thinking of the thousands of things that could go wrong. Maybe she would get lost or might have an accident because she was too scared to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom. What if the other kids were mean or taught her a dirty word. Okay I was a mess all day long!!!
I was SUPER ready when the time finally came to pick her up, she came out of the gym and saw our car and waved with the biggest smile. She climbed in and talked and talked the entire time home about how cool school was.
The whole reason for me to pack her lunch was so that she could watch and see how the other kids got their hot lunches and not feel overwhelmed on the first day. My poor child got a little confused. She took out her sandwich drink and napkin and left the rest of her lunch in her lunch bag in her backpack in the classroom. The teacher ended up getting her a hot lunch since she didn't have the rest of her lunch with her.
So we get home and she tells me about her day and what fun she had. Then out of the blue she shouts, "Oh, I got your message". I hadn't expected her to save the napkin, but she did and pulls it out of her bag. Then she flips it over and between the pizza stains she wrote, “Mom I love you to I had a great day". I just sat there and hugged her and cried. My baby is growing up and I miss her already.